Friday, March 13, 2009

Passion in Life

So I'm sitting here trying to decide what to post on.  I'm sure that the few of you who will ever read this are wondering why Riley is so terrible at keeping his blog updated.  I've decided that I'm just not passionate enough about it.  And then I came upon a really scary realization...I'm not really really passionate about anything.  I mean there are a ton of people who have this one thing they are really good at and they do it all the time.  Some people ski every weekend.  Some people hike, while others ride their bikes in the mountains.  If Utah is supposed to be this amazing place to get involved with the outdoors, why am I not involved?  Mr. President (Darren) says it's because I don't wake up early enough.  It is true that I'm not a morning person at all.  I'd rather stay up and sleep till noon, then go to bed early and get up at the butt-crack of dawn.  Not my thing in the slightest.  I love to ski.  I love to hike.  I love to ride bikes.  I love to do a lot of things.  But am I passionate about them?  Not really.  That needs to change.  

I don't really know why this coming out right now.  But I'm beginning to see a few other changes I need to make.  I'm getting tired of my job.  I work at a gymnastics gym.  I'm not great at gymnastics, but I love teaching it to little kids.  Well I think my lack of experience is getting to me.  This realization came as two, yes two kids this last week pronounced proudly that there were taking private lessons now.  This announcement was accompanied by a huge smile and a wave to their "other" teacher.  Ouch!!  I didn't think that I was much of a person that likes change, but at the same time I get bored of the same thing over and over again. 

A few months ago I was trying to figure out how I could attract more women to me.  Don't get me wrong, I've always has swarms of ladies all over me.  I have broken many a stick trying to keep these screaming, gorgeous, love suckers away from me.  I tried to change the way I talked, walked, and even stood.  For a while I worried it wasn't working.  But now this is not so much of a problem now.  No, I didn't get uglier, I just maybe found someone who I didn't want to keep away from me.  Either that or she is just stronger than the rest. 

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life.  Orthodontist?  Dentist?  Doctor?  Physical Therapist?  Athletic Trainer?  Fertilizer?  So many things that I just don't know!!  I need help, and as much of my family will tell you, not the kind of help that just anyone without a phycology degree could fix.  

But I'm moving on.  I'm still getting up every morning/afternoon.  I'm still enjoying life and I look forward to the many new adventures each turn in life brings.  What is in store for Riley?  Stay tuned to find out.  Mostly because I'm not really sure yet.  


Katelyn Michael said...

WoW! This is deep crap Riles! You are good at so many things. I am sure you will find something that makes you perfectly happy. Keep plowing through - less than a month left til break.

dipali. said...

I don't know you but that was really deep. I can actually relate to you, I know what it feels like to be not so passionate about stuff. Thanks for this insightful blog (:

Tori :) said...

Do you coach gymnastics in the Happy Valley area? My daughter was on level 6 1st at Airtime and then Achievers...

Walker asked me what I'm passionate about and I couldn't really think of anything. I'm like you- I like stuff, but I'm not passionate about it... other than being the SUPER FAN at my kid's basketball games. And I maybe should tone that down a bit...